That is not a trait that is shared by many other species. In captivity, the bimac octopus has demonstrated tolerance for having other octopuses nearby. The time that it does spend perched in the open is under the guise of its camouflage. It is not in the open to scare away prey or attract predators.

Of course, the bimac octopus is not out there looking for trouble. While the majority of its time is spent in its dwelling - which normally consists of a crevice or other secluded opening along the seafloor - it does spend a great deal of its time perched in the open. In observation of this species in the wild, it has been established that it spends more time in the open compared to other octopuses of similar size and habitat preferences. The bimac octopus can be classified as an inquisitive and friendly creature - even by octopus standards. That is enough to dissuade some predators. While a predator would be able to discern its small size while in the open, if a predator were to come along while the bimac octopus is in its den, the two spots make it appear as if it were the head of a much larger creature. It is believed that this feature evolved in order to make the smaller octopus look more ominous. The tone of the blue coloration can vary from a dark blue to a lighter shade. They are located one beneath each of the eyes. The most distinctive features of this species of octopus are the two large blue spots on its head. Other specimens have been seen to take a pinkish to orangeish tone under neutral conditions. When this species of octopus is observed in a neutral setting, they will normally take on a grayish coloration accented with a few yellowish spots. To the novice observer of the bimac octopus, this can make identifying the natural coloration of the species difficult.
Special muscles on its skin also allow it to match the texture of the surroundings.

Like nearly all of the 300 octopus species, the California two-spot octopus has the ability to change colors in order to match its surrounding area. The profile of the bimac octopus is slick.